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In the name of God Amen P 2 P 3 P 4 |
Stafford county, Virginia DEED & WILL BOOK 1689 - 1693
IN THE NAME OF GOD Amen ye foure & twentieth day of May in ye yere 1689 Robert Hewitt of ye Countie of Stafford Gent beinge in health of body & of good & perfect memory thanks bee to God for ye same doe make this my Last Will and Testamt. in manner and forme followinge hereby revokeinge and makeinge void and null all former Wills and Testamt. heretofore by me made & this cooky to bee taken & deemd as my Last Will & Testamt.
First I bequeath my Soul & Spiritt into ye handes of Allmighty God by whom I trust to bee saved through ye death of my Saviour & Redeemer Jesus Christ my body in hope of a joyfull Resurrection I commit to decent and Christian buriall and touching the distribution of my worldly goods I dispose of ye same as followeth
Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my Sone Robert Hewitt ye plantation whereon I now live & ye lande thereunto belonginge beinge two hundred Sixty four acres to him his heires and assignes for ever butt in case he dye before hee come to ye age of one and Twenty yeares then I give and bequeath ye said Lande unto my Daughter Sarah Hewitt and her heires and assignes for ever Shee payinge to her Three Sisters Ten Thousand pounds of Tobacco to be equally divided amongst them
Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Robert Hewitt a Certain tract of lande lyeinge in Cowad [sic, should be Cawood] shire nere ye Citty of Yorke wch was left mee by my Grandmother Mrs. Dorothy Perrott, and now in ye handes of my Uncle Mr- Andrew Perrott and yeildinge Six pounder Sterl pr annum to his heires and assignes for ever butt its my will intent and meaninge that Mr. Robert Sanderson of Hull woolen draper have ye first two yeares rent I beinge in debt in him about that sume and that my Daughter Sarah shall have out of ye rents & profitts of ye said lande ye Sume of Eighty poundes Sterl. & in case my said Son Robert shall dye wthout heires of his body lawfully be-gotten or before lee come to ye age of Twenty one yeares then I give my said lande to my Daughter Sarah & her heires and assignes for ever payinge two yeares rent to Mr. Robert Sanderson Also it is my will intent & meaninge that if ye said Lande fail to my Daughter Sarah that then Mary Howson, Anne Behealand & Sarah Howson shall have ye next foure tents after Mr. Sanderson everyone haveinge accordingle to their age begininge wth Mary first, And it is further my will intent and meaninge that if my sd Daughter Sarah shall dye wthout heires. then I give ye said lande to my Sister Mary Hewitt if liveinge & her heires & assignes forever. She payinge ye abovesaid Debt & legacies butt in case of her Death then I give ye said lande to Andrew Perrott Sone of Andrew Perrott in York Mercht to him his heires and assignee for ever, And I appoint my Uncle Andrew Perrott if liveinge to see ye prmises performed and to make the utmost of ye rents as they come due, for ye use of ye above said Robert & Sarah Hewitt, butt in case hee bee dead, I appoint my Brother Francis Hewitt to take it into his handes and see yt performed
Item I give and bequeath unto my Sonne Robert the Negroe Buoy George and Toros Girle Kate
Item I give unto my Daughter Sara Toms girle Frances and the first child that Moll bringes that lives untill it bee tenn yeares old and in case she hath not one that lives then I give her Eight thousand pounds of Tobacco and in case of Mortality of either of my children then ye abovesaid Negroes I give to ye Survivor and in case of the mortality of them both then 1 give them to my Wife, and in case of her mortality before my two children then to bee divided amongst ye Daughters of Mr Robert Howson deved equally.
Item I give unto Robert Massey one younge Bay horse branded on ye near buttock wch came of ye Mare called Beare€oohs mare And it is my will and desire that my loveinge Wife Sarah Hewitt have ye use of my Estate here in Virginia dureinge her life and I doe hereby nominate make & appoint my said Loveinge Wife to be ye whole & sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament Wittness my hande &Seale ye day and yeare abovesaid
In presence of Samuell Hayward Robt. Hewitt Sigiss. Massey, Abra: Cully 1689
This Will was sufficiently proved in ye County Court of Stafford by oathes and Testimonies of Samuel Hayward & Abraham Cully Wittnesses to ye said Will Subscribed on ye 11th day of May 1692 and was then recorded
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In the name of God Amen I John Perrott of ye: City of York ____ being at this time in pfct mind and memory yet considering ye: freilty and mortality of this life doo herby mae and publish this my last will and Testam:t hoping through ye: precious death and buriall of my alone Saviour to have full pardon and remission of all my Sins and desires yet my body may be interred in ye: pish Church of St: Martins in Micklegate according to ye: discretion of my Extor hereafter named and as following all my Estate where:th it hath pleased almighty god to bestow upon me I give and devise ye: same as followeth ffirst I give and devise to ye: poore of St: Martins in Micklegate forever ye: sume of five pounds fower Shillings to be lent out for pious uses by ye: Trustees already appointed for ye: said pish according to Severall bequeaths already ____ upon ye: like _______ to with two and fifty Shillings to Some one poore Inhabitant w:thin ye: Said parish whoe is to give Security to ye: Said Trustees for __ paymt of ye: Same by six pence by ye: weeke till Said two and fifty Shillings shall be fully satisffyed and paid and ye: oth:r two and fifty Shillings to be lent out upon ye: like trusts and in ye Same manner as is herein before exposed and soe from time to tome to apply ye: Same to ye: usses before mentioned Item I give and bequeath all those my messuages Cottages Closes Lands grounds free rents Tenem:ts & hered:ts scituate lyeing and being in ___ also ____ in ye: County of ye: ____ of Kingston upon ___ or w:tt in ye: Lordshippe permits feilds or Territoryes thereof to my Brother Andrew Perrott his heirs & assigns forever Item whoever I owe Seized by Copay of Court Roll according to ye: Custome w:thin ye: Severall ___ of Osbaldwick & Strensall in ye: County of York of and in one messuage one Barne one garth or orchard three oxgangs and a halfe of arrable meadow or pasture ground being all Coppy hold Land and Lyeing w:thin the Townshipp Lordshipp permits feilds and Territoryes of Osbaldwick aforesaid and ____ of ye: Severall ____ of Osbaldwick & Strensall in ye: Said County of York and whereas I have by two surrender Severeally Surrendred according to ye: Customs of ye: Said ___ all ye: Said messuages Lands & Tenem'ts to Such uses Intents & purposes as I ye: Said John Perrott Shall by my last will and Testam:t in writing testified by three or more Credible witneses declare lymitt and appoint I doe therefore declare limit and appoint & hereby give and bequeath ye: Same to ye: use and behoofe of Thomas Perrott one of the ye: young:st Sons of my brothe: Andrew Perrott and ye: heires of his body lawfully to be begotten and for default of Such Issue I doe hereby P 2 |
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In the name of God Amen I Andrew Perrott of the Citty of York Alderman being in perfect health and memory praised be God and well considering the uncertainty of this life and being desireous (before I be disturbed with sickness & further Infirmity) to dispose and selle my Temporall Estates which God hath bestowed on me - So as my beloved Wife and Children may be provided for and my Estates Selled to prevent disputes and controversies amongst them after my decease Do make & ordaine this my last Will & Testem:t in manner & Fforme follwing and Ffirst & principally I Command my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker hoping to obtaine Salvation through the Meritts of Jesus Christ my Lord Saviour and my body to the Earth from whence it Came to be decently buried and as for the worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Endow me, I have already as touching all my houses Lands and Tenem:ts within the Citty of York & county of Kingston upon Hull and county of Lancaster & elsewhere Estated the same by Indenture of Lease and Release bearing Date on or ab:t the Third & Ffourth dayes of August One Thousand Six hundred Ninety & Ffour after my decease to the severall uses of my Wife & Children under Severall provisoes therein mentioned and Expressed which Said Indentures & states afores:d so thereby respectively raised I do by this my will & Testem:t ratifie & confirme (excepting such estates & uses as I have already revoked or Shall hereafer revoke pursuent to the power thereby to me reserved) And as for & touching my personall Estate I give devise & bequeath the Same under the provisoes and conditions following, (that is to say) Whereas I did about the time of my Marriage Selle & ____ to [y:e wife of] Martha my well beloved Wife a Joynture of Severall Lands and
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and Tenem:ts which was intended to be in Lieu of her Dower or Thirds of all my reall Estate whereof I ceas lien Seized or Should after be Seized, which Joynture Lands after my decease & hers cometh to charles my eldest Sonn & by the Custome of the province of York She may probably after my decease have some pretence of title to Some part of my personall Estate, for avoiding of all disputes & differences, I do give and bequeath unto Martha my Said Wife the Sume of Ffifteen hundred pounds of lawful money of England in full of what she cann or may claim out of my reall & psenall Estate for Dower or otherwise other than her S:d Joynture, She giveing to my Heire at Law a gen'all Release of Dower & Thirds that she might or could claim out of my S:d reall Estate otherwise my S:d wife Martha to have no benefits of this my bequest Item I give & bequeath unto my S:d Wife all my Plate Linnen & household goods for her own use during the Terme of her Naturall Life provided that she do by any Act or Deed so selle & dispose of the sume that they may come & be devided amongst her children also in her life time or at her death to those that shall best deserve the same at her discretion and whereas I have been at a very great expence and Charges in the education of Charles Perrott my eldest Sonn both in England & beyond the seas & thereby fitted him for the Trade of a merchant if he will follow the Same & there being a good estate in Land which will fall to him after my owne & his mothers decease (with other reasons best known to my selfe) I do therefore give & bequeath to my S:d Sonn charles the sume of five hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England provided that he be not married before my death & that other provisions be not made for his portion And whereas the present Prebendery of Osbaldwick did by Indenture of Lease lately demise
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Devise and grant unto me the manner or reputed manner of Osbaldwick with th appurtences & diverse messuanges Lands Tythes Tenem:ts & hereditaments in Osbaldwick Gate Hemsley Peter = Land = Row North Newbald and North cave in the County of York and Clementhorpe in the county of the citty of Yorke To hold to me my Heires and assignes for & during the natural life of my Selfe Ffrancis Hewet grocer and John Humphrey junr Baker, and the Life the longest liver of us I do give & bequeath the s:d manner & devised ______ and Lease and all the benefit Tennant right & advantages thereby To my s:d Sonn charles Perrot and to the Heires of his body lawfully to be begotten and for default of such I give to my second sonn Andrew Perrot his Heires and assignes & whereas by my death then will want one Life in the s:d lease I do ordaine & appoint my beloved wife Martha who I havae made Extrx in Turst of my s:d Children to pay out of my psonall estate unto my son Charles incase he renew the s:d Lease so ____ money as the Prebendery for the time being should take for renewing the same not exceeding the sume of One hundred and fifty pounds And whereas my Second son Andrew perrott being lately married & upon his s:d marriage I have setled severall houses & lands upon him & his wife and their Heires & have give security to bestow two hundred pounds more in Lands to be Added to his wifes Joynture which s:d setlem:t and agreem:t I do hereby confirme & wheras I did upon my s:d sons marriage promise to give him Ffive hundred for the better carrying on his Trade I do hereby give and allow unto my s:d sonn Andrew perrrott the s:d sume of Ffive hundred pounds to be discounted & deducted out of the moneys he now ows me upon __ between us provided wee clear not amounts before my death which if wee do then this bequest & Legacy of Ffive hundred pounds to be boid Item I give and bequeath unto my Third sonn Joshua Perrot the sume of eight
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Eight hundred pounds of lawfull money of England in full of his filiall position he giveing to my Extrx hereafter named upon reasonable request or Release & sufficient discharge as well for one hundred & Ffifty forty pounds bequeathed to him by his grandmother Perrott dece'd as also for all the rents Fines & profitts by me rece'd out of his Lands at cawood setled or given to him by his s:d Grandmother or otherwise this bequest & Legacy to be paid, Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Perrott my fourth Sonn the summe of Six hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be pade to him with Interest for the same at the rate of five pounds p hundred when he shall attaine to ye age of one & twenty yeares in full of his filiall porc'on he likewise giveing to my s:d Extrx upon reasonable request a Release and discharge for all the rents & proffitts already rec'd or which may be rec'd by me out of his Lands given & devised to him by his Unckle mr John Perrott dec'd or otherwise this bequest & Legacy to be void Item give & bequeath to my ffith sonn Mathew Perrot the sume of Eight hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him with Interest for the same at the reate of five pounds p hundred when shall attaine to the age of one and twenty yeares in full of his filiall porc'on he giveing a discharge for the same to my s:d Extrx, Item I give & bequeath unto George Perrot my sixth sonn the sume of five hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid with Interest for the same at the rate of five pounds per hundred when he shall attaine the age of One & twenty Yeares in full of his filiall portion he likewise giving to my Extrx a generall discharge for ye same Item I give and bequeath unto my second daughter Mary Perrot the sume of Nyne hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England in full for of her filiall portion she giveing to my s:d Extrx a general Release and discharge for the same as also the like dischage & release for all these rents & profitts by me rec'd out of the Lands given
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Given and devised to her at cawood by her Grandmother late dec'd Item I give and bequeath unto my Third daughter Elizabeth Perrot the sume of eleven hundred pounds of Lawful money of England in full of her filiall porc'on she giveing to my s:d Extrx a general Release and discharge for the same as also the like discharge & Release for all the Rents & profitts by me rec'd to be rec'd out of the Lands given and devised to her at Thorpe Underwood or Thorpe Green by her Grandmother Perrot dec'd Item I give & bequeath unot my fourthe daughter Martha Perrott the sume of eight hundred pounds of lawful moeny of England in full of her filiall portion she giveing to my s:d Extrx a generall relase and discharge for the sume as also discharge & relase for all the Rents & profits by me rec'd or to be rec'd out of the Lands given & devised to her att Thorp underwood by her Grandmother Perrot dec'd Item it is my further will & mind that in case any of my s:d Daughters shall upon reasonable request to them made refuse to give and execute such Release and discharge to my Extrx as above s:d that then the s:d legacy and bequest to her so refusing shaall be utterly void and forfeited And w`hereas I have married my eldest daughter to Ffrancis Langley of the Citty of York gen and paid him all her protion agreed for upon Marriagea yet as a further token of my love & naturall affection to my s:d Daughter now Mercy Langley I give and bequeath unto her the sume of three hundred pounds of lawful money of England to be p'd unto her within two yeares next after my decease upon Condition & this following provisoe and not otherwise (That is to say) That in case my s:d sonn in Law Francis Langley be liveing at the time of the paym:t of the s:d Legacy and upon receipt of the same shall & do setle so with Lands as an Addic'on to any s:d Daughters first Joynture as shall be equall in value and proportionable to the s:d legacy so given to her or do give my s:d Extrx sufficient security by bond or otherwise to setle such Lands as afores:d Item I give and bequeath unto my grand son charles Langley the sume of fifty pounds of lawfull money of England to
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to my said sonn in Law Ffrancis Langley for the use of my s:d Grand son at the End of five yeares next after the death of my Extrx if my s:d Grand son be then living to be put out & imployed for his benefit and advantage Item I give and bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Dorothy Langley the like sume of Ffifty pounds of lawfull money of England to be p'd to my s:d son in Law Ffrancis Langley for her use at the end of five yeares next after the death of S:d Extrx if my s:d Grand Daughter be then liveing to be putt out and imployed for her benefit and advantage provided that in case either of my s:d Grandchildren shall happen to dye before the time the s:d respective legacyes shall become due & payable then the surviv'g of my s:d Grandchildren shall have the whole hundred pounds and in case both my s:d Grand Children happen to dye before the s:d time the s:d respective legacies shall become due & payable as afores:d that then the sd two legacies of ffifty pounds shall go and remaine to such child and Children as my s:d Daughter Langley shall have liveing at the End of five yeares next after the death of s:d Extrx to be equally divided among them and to be paid to my s:d sonn in Law Francis Langley for their use as afores:d But in case my s:d Daughter Langley shall not have any child or children Liveing at the time when the s:d legacy or legacyes shall become due & payable as afores:d then the s:d legacy or legacies to be utterly void Item I give unto my sonn in Law mr Ffrancis Langley and my Nephew Mr Richard Hewet whom I have made ffeofees in trust in the Deed as follow:t of my reall estate to each of them Tenn pounds desireing them to observe my directions in the said deed Item I give to my Neece Mrs Katherine Hewet to her daughter Frances Hewet to my Nephew mr Francis Hewet and to his Wife and three daughters Mary Elizabeth and Ffrances each of them a Guinea peece of Gold to my brother in Law Simon Sisson of Hull Alderman and his Wife each of them twenty Shillings to buy mourning Rings, to my Nephew John Sisson of Hassell [sic, Hessle] merchant and his wife and to as many of his children as shall be Living at the time of my death each of them twenty shillings he first paying the money to my Extrx that is due to me by bond being thirty pounds
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pounds. Item I give to my Nephew and Neece _____ each of them Guinea peice of Gold to buy them mourning Rings Item I give to the poor of the parish of Hassell where I was borne twenty shillings To the poor of the parish of s:t martins where I now live twenty shillings to the poor of Osbaldwick twenty shillings To the poor widdows in the Merchants Hospitall twenty shillings to be equally devided amongst them, to the poor widdows in ___ Middletons Hospitall Twenty shillings to be equally devided amongst them To Elizabeth Cundell sp'r my serv:t & Marg't Caisson sp'r my serv:t if they continue with me during my life each of them fifty shillings, to Mary Broadbolt my Serv:t if she continiw with me during my life Thirty shillings To Joseph Ffawthropp my late Apprentice if he be not gone gone beyond seas before my death the sume of fifty pounds of lawfull money of England towards his Expenses & ____ there To the citty of York incase they pay me the moneys expended by me in severall suites brought against in relation to the Tolls & other matters belonging the s:d citty the sume of Tenn pounds to be bestowed in a peice of Plate for the use of this s:d citty at the discretion of my s:d Extrx Item my farther mind & will is and I do hereby declare that if my psonall Estate doth amount unto more than my s:d bequests & legacyes after my debts & funerall Expences are paid & discharged and that there be a surplus thereof that then one third part of such surplus shall be pade to my s:d eldest sonn charles Perrot and the other two Thirds to be paid unto the residue of my s:d children that shall be then living share and & share alike But if providence so order it that either by losses at, sea or by badd debts at Land or otherwise (which God pr'vent) my s:d personall estate shall should fall short of what it now is and will not answer my Debts legacyes & bequests before menc'ond then my will and mind further is and I do hereby Impower my s:d Extrx to deduct out of each sume of moneys given unto my s:d Children (my son charles excepted) an equall __ portion out of every hundred pounds suitable to such Loss & want in my s'd effects & I do nominate and appoint my Dear Wife Martha Perrot Extrx
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Extrx in trust of my s:d children to whom I give the Tuition of the my s:d Children untill they shall respectively come to the age of one & twenty yeares and my will & mind further is that my s:d Extrx in full trust have full power & authority to deduct out of the rents & profits of all such Lands and moneys as I have setled and bequeathed upon & to all such my s:d children under her Care & tuition as will pay for their Tableing clothing Learning & all other necessaryes suitable to their Qualities during their Respective minoritys as afores:d & more perticularly that my s:d Extrx shall have full power to deduct out the Legacyes that I have bequeathed and devised to my s:d two sons Mathew & George soe much moneys as will bind each of them Apprentices to such honest calling as my Extrx shall think convenient & to maintain them with cloths and all other necessarys during their respective aprrenticeships & that she have also full power to deduct out of the the Rents of Lands and interest of moneys setled & bequeathed to my s:d sonn Thomas Perrot as will defray the Charges of his Education at the University of Cambridge during his abode there in a moderate way & as becometh his Quality and I do order and appoint my s:d two sons charles & andrew to be aiding & assisting to my s:d Extrx their mother in drawing out ____ & geting in of Debts both beyond seas & in England & to assist her in selling of goods & in doeing all other things for her and my childrens most advantage And lastly it is my earnest request unto my s:d Wife whom I have appointed Extrx in trust that all possible care be taken that my s:d Children be brought up in the fear of God & with good & convenient Education during their minorityes And I do hereby revoke & make boid all former Wills by me made and do makes & declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the twenty eight day of March in the Tenth year of the Reigne of our sovereigne L:d King W:m the Third [1698/9] over England ano
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Ano __ D'ni 1698 Andrew Perrot
Published & declared this to be be the last Will & Testam:t of me Andrew Perrot (the words Will ffifty, & rate in the second sheet Perrot, equall do, at the End, at the End, two, Liveing in the third sheet, them, mourning, my in the fourth sheet being first interlined in the pr'sence of us.
John Blower
Tho: Barker
John Humphrey Jun'r
Whereas I Andrew Perrot of the citty of York Alderman and by my last Will & Testam:t in writing and whereunto this my codicill is annexed give and allow unto my son Andrew Perrott the sume of ffive hundred pounds to be discounted & deducted out the money my s:d sonn then owed me upon acc:nts between us provided we cleared not acc:nts before my death which if we ____ then this bequest & legacy of ffive hundred pounds to be void I do hereby revoke & make void the s:d legacy & bequest of ffive hundred pounds given to my s:d sonn Andrew as afores:d because I and my s:d sonn have since the publishing of my s:d Will setled acc:nts between us & I have allowed him the s'd ffive hundred pounds upon the s:d amount, and whereas I have by my s:d Will given to my third sonn Joshua perrot the sume of eight hundred pounds of lawfull English money in full of his filiall portion I do hereby revoke and make void the s:d bequest & legacy of eight hundred pounds given to my s:d son Joshua as afores:d and in liew thereof I do hereby give & bequeath unto him the sume of tenne pounds & no more in full of his filiall portion in regard
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regard my s:d sonn Joshua has since the making of my s:d Will been very Extravant & undutifull towards me & spent me (with what he had of his owne) above ffour hundred pounds Butt nevertheless I will & appoint and I do hereby also give & bequeath unto my dear & loving Wife (my Extrx) the sume of two hundred pounds of intent that she may bestow & give ye sume to such of our children as she thinks best deserves it from her or whose occasions she apprehends may most require it at her own election And whereas I have by my s:d Will given & bequeathed to my sonn Mathew Perrott the sume of Eight hundred pounds And whereas I have since the making of my s:d Will put my s:d sonn Mathew out to be an apprentice to a Barbary Merchant which hath & will cost me three hundred pounds or more it -- and whereas I Hand bound to his Master in the sume of eight hundred pounds penalty for my s:d sonn Mathew true & faithfull performace of his s:d apprentisipp and in regard that of late he has misbehaved himselfe and being amynded to secure my Extrx from my loss that may happen to her on that acc:nt I will therefore & appoint, that not only the legacy hereafter given to my S:d sonn Mathew shall in the first place be subjected & made lyable but my s:d Extrx shall retaine & deduct thereout what she shall be dampnified in respect of my s'd son Mathews not pforming his covenents contained in his s:d Indenture of Apprentisipp But if the same will not extend to do it then I appoint my s:d sonn Mathew to charge his Lands in Baldersby which I have settled upon him with what his legacy hereafter given him falle short in repaying my Extrx in such Dampnification I do therefore hereby revoke and make void the s:d Legacy of Eight hundred pounds given to my s:d son Mathew as afores:d & in liew thereof do hereby give & bequeath to my s'd son Mathew the sum of five hundred pounds of lawful money of England onely & no more (subjected nevertheless & made lyable to such retainer on the acc:nts of such dampnification as
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as afores'd) the s:d legacy of five hundred pounds to be pd to my s:d sonn Mathew (subjected as afores:d) when he shall attaine the age of one & twenty yeares in full of his filiall portion he giving a discharge for the same to my Extrx & in the mean time and untill he come to the s:d age of one & twenty yeares interest shall be yearly paid him for the sume after the rate of ffive pounds by the hundred (subjected nevertheless as afores:d ) Item I give to my grand Daughters Dorothy and Ann Perrott (the daughthers of my son Andrew) the sume of Ffifty pounds apeece to be p'd to their father for their use at the death of my Extrx their Grandmother to be improved for them by their s:d Ffather) Item I do hereby give & devise to my loving wife Martha Perrott & her Heires my house shopp & Warehouses with the appurtences scituate in Kingston upon hull which I lately purchased of Crisf'er Ffawthrop jun'r of Hockton to be by her sold for the best advantage and the moneys raised by Saile thereof to be imployed and disposed of for & towards the paym't of my s:d childrens porc'ons and legacyes hereby & by my s::d Will hereunto annexed given & bequeathed as afores:d - and whereas I have lately pade into ye hands of mr Will'm `Richardson of the citty of London Merchant master to my s:d son Mathew) the sume of one hundred pounds to be Imployed by the s:d mr Richardson in the way of Trade for the Advantage of my s:d son Mathew I do therefore hereby Will & declare that the s:d one hundred pounds is be part of the s:d five hundred hereby given & devised to my s:d sonn Mathew as afore:d and that the legacy & bequest is now to be onely four hundred pounds (which is to be subjected as above mention'd) In Withness whereof I the s:d Andrew Perrot have hereunto forming hand & seal this nineteenth day of June in the year of L:d God One thousand sevenhundred & one Andrew Perrott signed sealed published & declared by the within named Andrew Perrot the Testator to be the codicill to his will annexed & our names subscribed in his pr'sence - Joel Lovick, John Humphrey Jun'r F:s Langley.
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Nov: ye 5th 1702.
Rece'd then the original last will and testatm:t of ye said Alderman Perrott and also the original Codisill thereunto annexed (whereof this is a true Coppy by me Charles Perrott Witness I. Speight
Notes: [courtesy of Edward Beaumont